The General Secretary of the ISSA (International Social Security Association) Mr. Hans-Horst Konkolewsky gave an exclusive interview to the web news portal was mostly interested in the first results of the Vision Zero program launch in Russia after signing of the official Memorandum by Minister of labor and social protection Mr. Maxim Topilin and General Secretary of ISSA Mr. Hans Horst Konkolewski on December 12, 2017 during BIOT safety exhibition.
At the current moment russian enterprises are quickly being involved into the global trend for safety work and culture of conscious security. Since December last year, more than 300 companies have already joined Vision Zero in Russia. Around 200 professional trainers have been registered worldwide and authorized by the program Vision Zero.
The first Russian trainings on joining the program were held. «R-Pharm» and «Leroy Merlin» companies became the pioneers. The main program implementation task for the nearest future all over the world is to create a communication platform for best cases and practices exchange. The basis of the program is the description of preventive measures and a security culture.
Seven Golden rules of Vision Zero are simple, clear and acceptable by every enterprise. For self-monitoring have been created special verification sheets. For each of 7 rules there are 3 basic principles: 1) Deep personal involvement (all levels of personnel: from management to every employee); 2) identification, risk assessment with a plan of preventive measures; 3) education and training system (loyalty development and adoption of rules by each employee). On the ISSA website you can join the concept: that is, accept and agree with the rules, download materials on Vision Zero and get a set of tools for implementation with training programs. Another way — more fundamental — is to attract authorized trainers, who will help to adapt the program for your company, involve all employees, conduct a risk audit and step by step implement all 7 rules. became the official information partner of Vision Zero in Russia.